
Capturing Moments from Along the Journey

We all have a Story

By Alisha Brummett

To myself I repeat:  You are important. You are unique and worth saving.

You have a voice. You have a story. Your breath is valuable.

And so, I write.

I write to deal with the swirling in my head, but also to give myself reminders of who I am. I can return to my words over and over to remember what God has done in me.  I have to be my own advocate; take care of me for me.

“I have story that begs to be told. So do you.”

There are lessons with each and every day; wisdom that is learned, used and then usually forgotten.  But as they are written, I pray the lessons of my life will be wisdom for my kids to learn from, a blessing to give strength to the rear who may be struggling to find a way through their darkness. May they not be just stories, but encouragement, inspiration, and maybe a bit of hope for someone.

I am loved.

I was created with a purpose.

I have a story that begs to be told. So do you.

Hope should always get the last word.

Like snowflakes and fingerprints, our stories are unique to each one of us. No one in all of human history has experienced life in exactly the same way. Our lives are a collection of moments stored in our brains and hearts as memories. Sometimes they are wonderful and beautiful while others can be traumatic and horrifying, but the truth is because you are breathing today, you have accomplished many great feats. Your birth alone is a tale of the miraculous because you survived and are here! And as long as you are alive, your journey is still developing, evolving and continuing.

These stories need to be told. Your story. My story.

You tell yours and I will tell mine, and we will understand and empathize with one another’s joy and pain.

These are ‘stills’ from my journey.